
With Agnoplay we defined some tracking events that are processed and posted to Analytics.


Below you’ll find an overview of all available events.

Tracking event Frequency Owner Description Explanation
The following events may occur in the following sequence (top-down):
play 1+ AgnoPlayer Thrown when the play method is invoked.
  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • type : 'play'.
When a user clicked the play button or autoplay has been triggered.
playing 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown when the player starts with the playback of media.
  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • type : 'playing'.
When the player starts with playback of media.
seeking 1+ AgnoPlayer Thrown when the currentTime property of the player is set to a new value.
  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • type : 'seeking'.
The player is getting the player ready for playback.
seeked 1+ AgnoPlayer Thrown when the player has completed the setting of a new value to the currentTime property.
  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • type : 'seeked'.
The player is ready for playback.
autoplay 1 Agnoplay Core

Thrown when start playing video autoplay and non muted (only the first time in a session of a video).

  • type : 'autoplay'.
When the content (ad or video) is playing.
autoplay-muted 1 Agnoplay Core

Thrown when start playing video autoplay and muted (only the first time in a session of a video).

  • type : 'autoplay-muted'.
When the content (ad or video) is playing.
no-autoplay 1 Agnoplay Core

Thrown when start playing video without autoplay (only the first time in a session of a video).

  • type : 'no-autoplay'.
When the content (ad or video) is playing.
uniquePlay 1 Agnoplay Core

Thrown when the playing event has been thrown for the first time (only the first time in a session of a video).

  • type : 'uniquePlay'.
When the content (ad or video) is playing.
contentPlay 1 Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the original source has started playing.
loadeddata 1 AgnoPlayer

Thrown the first time the readyState property goes from 1 – HAVE_METADATA – to 2 – HAVE_CURRENT_DATA.

  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • readyState : 2 – HAVE_CURRENT_DATA.
  • type : 'loadeddata'.

The player is able to playback because content is in buffer.

(See also properties below.)

adsource 1 Agnoplay Core

Thrown based on 'loadeddata' event and the description holds the adtag URL. The description is "undefined" when no adtag URL is present.

  • type : 'adsource'.
When the ad source is set in the player config. This represents the vast tag that has been set.

(For Ka-ching the ad source can be null.)
pause 1+ AgnoPlayer Thrown when the pause method is invoked.
  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • type : 'pause'.
When a user clicked the pause button or the player paused playback.
waiting 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown when the readyState of the player goes below a value of 3 – HAVE_FUTURE_DATA.
  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • type : 'waiting'.
When the player is waiting for playback.
The following events are ad specific and may occur in the following sequence (top-down):
adblocker 0+

Agnoplay Core

Thrown to indicate that an ad blocker has been detected. When an adblocker is detected.
ads-request 0+

Agnoplay Core

Thrown to indicate that an ad has been requested, which happens every time a request for a vmap is done. When ad has been requested.
aderror 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad has encountered an error. When an aderror occurs.


0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad has begun. When an ad begins.
adbreakbegin 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an adbreak has begun. When adbreak has begun.
adbreakend 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an adbreak has ended. When adbreak has ended.
adskip 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad has been skipped. When ad has been skipped.
adloaded 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad has been loaded. When ad has been skipped.
adfirstquartile 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad reached the first quartile of an ad. When ad reached first quartile.
admidpoint 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad reached the midpoint of an ad. When ad reached midpoint.
adthirdquartile 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad reached the third quartile of an ad. When ad reached third quartile.
adimpression 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that the first frame of an ad has been played. When first frame of ad played.
adend 0+ AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an ad has ended. When an ad ends.
adtimeout 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that ad was not able to load within X seconds where X is configured in the player service.
The following events are content playback specific:
10-percent ... 100-percent 1 Agnoplay Core Thrown when a 10 percent milestone has been reached where currentTime divided by the duration equals a 10 percent tile.
Note: VOD Only; videos shorter than 10 seconds may not share every 10-percent step, since it is not exposed by Video.js (example: a 2 seconds video will share only 50-percent and 100-percent events)
When X percentage has been reached on VOD playback.
30-seconds ... n-seconds 1 Agnoplay Core Thrown when the currentTime equals 30 or a multiple of 30. 
Note: LIVE Only
When X seconds in time has been reached LIVE playback.
ended 1+ AgnoPlayer Thrown when the players currentTime property has reached the end of the set source.
  • currentTime : The current time of the player.
  • type : 'ended'.
When the video ends.
The following events may occur at the player initiation or at playback:
s1-playlist-json-loadtime 1 Agnoplay Core Thrown when the playlist json from StreamOne has been loaded and the description will hold:
  • 200 : when loadtime is in between 1 and 200.
  • 400 : when loadtime is in between 201 and 400.
  • etc.


0|1 Agnoplay Core

Thrown when the playlist json from StreamOne is different that 200 OK.

  • type : 'error-s1-503'.
When the player can't retrieve the playback information of StreamOne.
error 0|1 AgnoPlayer Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred in the player.
  • error : A message indicating the cause of the error.
  • type : 'error'.
When the player can't playback content.
The following events tracks user behaviour:
download-button-clicked 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the download button has been clicked (Audio Player).
replay-button-clicked 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the replay button has been clicked.
recommendation-screen-shown 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that a recommendation screen has been shown. 
recommendation-tile-clicked 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that a recommendation tile has been clicked. The description holds the information where the user is going.
social-sharing-direct-link 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the direct link sharing button has been clicked.
social-sharing-facebook 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the Facebook sharing button has been clicked.
social-sharing-linkedin 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the LinkedIn sharing button has been clicked.
social-sharing-twitter 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the Twitter sharing button has been clicked.
social-sharing-whatsapp 0+ Agnoplay Core Thrown to indicate that the WhatsApp sharing button has been clicked.